It is a named space within a dbspace that holds the data for one TimeSeries ROW type. 它是dbspace中一个有名称的空间,用于存放某种TimeSeriesROW类型的数据。
The input parameter named "P1" is of data type integer, the other input parameter "P2" is of type character. 输入参数“P1”的数据类型是整型,另一个输入参数“P2”的数据类型是字符型。
Repeat the previous step to add another feature named latitude with the data type String. 重复以上步骤,添加另一个名为latitude的特性,数据类型为String。
If you plan to reuse a data type within your schema, create a named type and refer to it in all the elements that require that data type. 如果计划在架构内重用某数据类型,请创建命名类型,并在需要该数据类型的所有元素中引用它。